Friday, April 29, 2016

PARCC = Done!

Third grade completed PARCC today! Way to go to all the students; they really put forth a lot of effort.  They should be very proud of their hard work.  Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • Report Cards: Please review, sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience. 
Classroom Supplies:  Hopefully this is the last push for supplies... We're completely out of the items below.  Thank you (again) for your continued generosity and support!
  • Pens
  • Pencils  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Unit 7 Assessment Tomorrow

In Math Workshop, we reviewed concepts in Unit 7 by playing Jeopardy! It was also a nice opportunity to give students a bit of a break from PARCC.  While in an ideal world, we'd wait until after PARCC testing to take this assessment, we still need to get through third grade curriculum and concepts.  I sent home a review with students today.  If your child is too exhausted from testing, please feel free to write me a note at the top of the review, and I'll excuse them from that homework. I wanted to send a review home for those who did want extra practice, however.

With the little time we had left after PARCC and reviewing for math, we finished Number the Stars.  We reflected on the most important relationships in the story to help us let the book "linger in our hearts".  Students grew ideas about theme using our process chart (naming the problem, putting it in a word or phrase, and reflecting on that problem).  Ask your child what theme they decided on (ask them if they did a bumper sticker or topical, it'll help jog their memory).  After we discussed what we can take away from the novel, students decided on a symbol to represent the theme of the story.  Ask your child what symbol they chose and why.

Book clubs also met today.  The thinking students are doing at this point in the year is quite remarkable.  Here are some snapshots from students' notebooks.

Students have their last day of PARCC testing tomorrow.

  • Math review
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • Unit 7 Math Assessment:  Tomorrow
  • Report Cards: Please review, sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience. 
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • Honor Roll Breakfast:  Tomorrow 
Classroom Supplies:  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Towne Grill & Pub

PARCC continues tomorrow and Friday-- almost done!

The Towne Grill & Pub is hosting "Family Fun Night" tonight, 5-9 PM.

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • Unit 7 Math Assessment:  Friday, April 29
  • Report Cards: Please review, sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience. 
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • Honor Roll Breakfast:  Friday, April 29, 
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Our tissue supply has been completely replenished. Thank you SO much for your generosity and donations!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, April 25, 2016

No School Tomorrow

Can you figure out which project belongs to this student?

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • Unit 7 Math Assessment:  Friday, April 29
  • Report Cards: Please review, sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience. 
  • No school:  Tomorrow, April 26 (Election Day)
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Our tissue supply has been completely replenished. Thank you SO much for your generosity and donations!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, April 22, 2016

Report Cards

In Readers' Workshop, students read informational text on Earth Day and then blogged about what they learned.

In Writers' Workshop, students started drafting their literary essays.  They paraphrased micro-stories to use as evidence.  They then began to explain how their evidence proves their claim using reasoning.  We looked at the micro progression below to reflect and strengthen our analysis of evidence.

In Math Workshop, students created "Figure Me Out" projects.  They had to use fractions, fraction models and number lines, division, multiplication, and equations with more than one operation to create clues for others to figure out which project belongs to which student.

To celebrate Earth Day, at the end of the day, we worked together to clean up our playground.

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • Report Cards: Please review, sign and return the envelope at your earliest convenience. 
  • No school:  Tuesday, April 26 (Election Day)
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Our tissue supply has been completely replenished. Thank you SO much for your generosity and donations!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thank you!

In Readers' Workshop, students learned yet another strategy to help them grow ideas about theme:  thoughtful readers pay attention to authors' "famous last words" to help the identify lessons in text. We can reread the last part of the text, think about what the author wants us to know, and then say our thoughts as a lesson.  

In Writers' Workshop, students began looking for evidence in their texts to support their thesis statements. They starred moments in their books that lead them to a reason in their thesis statement. They paraphrased these moments to make "micro-stories" in their literary essays. 

Students finished PARCC for Mathematics today.  Please remember, PARCC starts back up on Wednesday for English Language Arts (ELA).  I'll send a reminder home in students' folders tomorrow.

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • No school:  Tuesday, April 26 (Election Day)
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Our tissue supply has been completely replenished. Thank you SO much for your generosity and donations!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Thesis Statements

In Writers' Workshop, students applied what they already knew about making claims to help the talk about and write a thesis statement (claim + reasons).  We used the "fork strategy" to help us create a claim and supporting reasons (see below).  For the next few weeks, students will write literary essays.  Tonight, students need to decided on the fictional book they'll write about for their first essay.


  • Decide on fictional book to write about for literary essay
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • PARCC Mathematics, 4/18/ 16- 4/21/16
    • Monday-Thursday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • No school:  Tuesday, April 26 (Election Day)
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Tissues:  We are completely out!  Any donations would really help during allergy season... Thank you so much for your continued support!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • PARCC Mathematics, 4/18/ 16- 4/21/16
    • Monday-Thursday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Tissues:  We are completely out!  Any donations would really help during allergy season... Thank you so much for your continued support!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, April 18, 2016

PARCC Continues...

In Readers' Workshop, students learned that the same way people learn from mistakes, characters learn from mistakes as well; i.e., mistakes can lead readers to life lessons.

In Writers' Workshop, students grew ideas for their literary essay by paying close attention to characters.  They analyzed character motivations, struggles, life lessons, relationship, etc. to write long and strong, and develop ideas about characters/ text.

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes:  Please make sure your child is reading their book club book and completing their "jobs".
  • PARCC Mathematics, 4/18/ 16- 4/21/16
    • Monday-Thursday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Tissues:  We are completely out!  Any donations would really help during allergy season... Thank you so much for your continued support!
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, April 14, 2016

PARCC Reminder

Coming home tomorrow is a reminder regarding PARCC, protocols, etc.  The note is also below:

Parents & Guardians,

The next two weeks, third grade students will be taking the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, also known as PARCCBelow you’ll see the specific days and times third graders will be testing.
  • PARCC Mathematics, 4/18/ 16- 4/21/16
    • Monday-Thursday, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • PARCC English Language Arts, 4/27/16- 4/29/16
    • Wednesday- Friday, 9:30-11:30 AM
At Riverside, in effort to alleviate any potential anxiety or stress, we try to keep our schedules and routines as normal and consistent as possible during testing.  However, you can expect the following during testing weeks:

During testing weeks:
  • On-time Arrival:  Please be mindful of testing times.  It’s critical students arrive on-time during testing days as third grade tests in the morning.
  • Cellphones: PARCC prohibits the use of cellphones during testing.  If your child brings a phone to school, we will have to keep it outside the classroom, secured.
  • Homework:  You can expect your child to come home with less homework than usual, as the tests require a lot from students.

As always, please contact by email or phone with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your support,
Third Grade Team

  • Math homework
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Tomorrow
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Hand sanitzer  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


If your student is struggling with fraction homework, show them the anchor chart below to help!

In Word Study today, we talked about the word "scapegoat" (N).  In class we define scapegoat as a person or people unfairly blamed for something they did not do.  We identified the group of people who were scapegoated during World War II (Jewish people).

  • Math homework
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Persuasive speech rubric (yellow): Due back to school at your earliest convenience.  
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, April 15
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Hand sanitzer  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Our school-wide reward for filling the E.A.G.E.R. tube has been decided: NO HOMEWORK! That means not even reading tonight (of course, they can read if they want to :) ). 

In Readers' Workshop, student learned two strategies to help them put the problem of a story in a word or phrase. We call this strategy "Bumper Sticker" themes and topical themes. 

In Writers' Workshop, students used thought prompts to push and grow their ideas about text. These next few weeks, students will learn strategies and elements of writer's craft to help them write a literary essay. 

In Math Workshop, students are making sense of improper fractions. They're drawing fraction models to help them plot improper fractions on a number line. 

These past few days, students studied scarcity issues in the community and brainstormed a few possible solutions to solve these issues. We wrote letters to the mayor with our suggestions. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Improper Fractions

In Math Workshop, students identified and explored characteristics of improper fractions.  They discovered that improper fractions are fractions with denominators equal to or greater than their denominator.  Give your child a few fractions (six- sixths, seven-fifths, two-thirds); quiz them: improper or proper?

  • Math homework
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Persuasive speech rubric (yellow): Due back to school at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, April 15
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Hand sanitzer  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, April 8, 2016

Persuasive Speeches

Students' persuasive speeches with grades are coming home today.  Please review the speech and feedback with your child, and sign and return the top (yellow) paper only.  Thank you!


  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Persuasive speech rubric (yellow): Due back to school at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!
Classroom Supplies:  
  • Hand sanitzer  
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Number the Stars

We started our new read aloud book today, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry.  Below is a short summary.  Although this book deals with sensitive topics (war, Nazi Germany), Lowry does an excellent job of explaining the war while also being sensitive to children and protecting them from the more gruesome realities of World War II. 

"Ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen and her best friend Ellen Rosen often think of life before the war. It's now 1943 and their life in Copenhagen is filled with school, food shortages, and the Nazi soldiers marching through town. When the Jews of Denmark are "relocated," Ellen moves in with the Johansens and pretends to be one of the family. Soon Annemarie is asked to go on a dangerous mission to save Ellen's life..."  (

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 

Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
  • Hand sanitzer 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Planetarium Tomorrow

In Readers' Workshop, students are learning strategies to help them think about and identify themes in texts.  Specifically, students will use the process outlined below.  Today, we started with the first step (1).  At home, when your child is reading, ask them to name some problems in the story they're reading.  Readers can use this process today and everyday, when trying to identify themes, life lessons, etc..  
  1. Name the problems in the story
  2. Put the problem in a word or phrase
  3. Reflect: What is the story teaching about the problem.
In Writers' Workshop, students learned to "grab and go"; grabbing an idea from their pre-writing maps, and applying everything we've learned this year to write fast and furiously. 

In Read Aloud/ Word Study, if you haven't heard yet, we finished Out of My Mind! Because effective readers don't just finish a book-- especially a really powerful book-- and move on, we're letting Out of My Mind "linger in our hearts".  To do this, students analyzed the text (characters, conflict, theme, etc.) to create meaningful color portraits of Melody; paying special attention to color choice and space to capture the essence of the story/ Melody. 

In Math Workshop, students used benchmarks to compare fractions.  We also added a "Dollar Word" station to our workshop-- it's challenging and fun! Ask your child about it!  See if you can come up with any dollar words!

In Social Studies, we used our experience in our bookmark assembly lines to explain pros and cons of specialization and interdependence. 

  • Math homework
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Planetarium:  Tomorrow (4/7), 9:15 AM
    • Permission slip due.  If I don't have your child's permission slip by tomorrow morning, unfortunately, your child won't be able to visit the planetarium with our class. 
Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
  • Hand sanitzer 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill