Thursday, March 31, 2016

Math Homework

In Writers' Workshop, students used their formal drafts with edits and revisions to type/ publish their speeches.  These will be graded over the weekend and sent home next week.

In Readers' Workshop, we continued our work using the "Close Reading Ritual" to develop new understandings about text.  Below is an info-graphic that lays out the ritual, and how readers can use it to closely read for text evidence, theme.

In Math Workshop, students drew and shaded equal fractional parts to compare fractions with unlike denominators.

In Social Studies, we identified natural, human and capital resources that we saw at Herr's. After, students specialized in a job to create bookmarks in an assembly line.  This activity helps students talk about and explain the concept of interdependence. 

  • Math homework
  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 6 Assessment:  Students' tests are coming home with grades.  Please be sure to review the assessment with your child, and sign and return to school at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!
Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
  • Hand sanitzer 
  • Dry erase markers
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Picture Day Tomorrow!

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 6 Assessment:  Students' tests are coming home with grades.  Please be sure to review the assessment with your child, and sign and return to school at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!
  • Picture Day: Tomorrow
Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
  • Hand sanitzer 
  • Dry erase markers
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Field Trip Tomorrow!

In Readers' Workshop, we used a close reading ritual to help us "dwell" in texts and discover new understandings about texts and life. We listened, used focused "lenses" (i.e. underlined phrases about the experience of life), identified patterns, and developed new understandings about life in the song "Story of My Life", by One Direction. Our routine is below:
  1. Read (get the gist)
  2. Reread through lenses (hence the glasses in the snapshots below)
  3. Use lenses to find patterns in the text
  4. Use patterns to develop a new understanding of text (theme, life lesson, central/ main idea, etc.)


We'll be in the lab this week during Writers' Workshop.  Students are typing up/ publishing their persuasive speeches.  These will be graded and sent home next week.

In Math today, students had the opportunity to play First In Math while I gave back Unit 6 Assessments and gave individual feedback to each student regarding their grade.  Please review, sign and return the assessment at your earliest convenience. 

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Herr's Field Trip is tomorrow!  
    • I sent home a reminder with students today.  It is also attached at the bottom of this post.
  • Unit 6 Assessment:  Students' tests are coming home with grades.  Please be sure to review the assessment with your child, and sign and return to school at your earliest convenience.  Thank you!
  • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
  • Hand sanitzer 
  • Dry erase markers
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Reminder:  Herr's Field Trip Tomorrow

Tomorrow 3rd grade will be taking our field trip to Herr’s.  Our schedule is below.  Please also note the reminders; these will ensure our field trip runs smoothly!

9:00 AM             Buses leave Riverside  
10:00 AM           Arrive at Herr's for our tour
11:00 AM            Lunch at Nottingham County Park
1:30 PM              Return to Riverside

Helpful Reminders:
·       Gift Shop:
o   Students will have time to visit the gift shop and make purchases, if desired.  If your child wishes to purchase goodies at the gift shop, please remember to send them to school with money.  
·       Bag Lunches:
o   For those students who opted to bring a lunch, please try to pack a disposable lunch, in a disposable bag, if possible.
·       Signing Out:

o   Students cannot be signed out directly from the field trip, but can be signed out at Riverside upon our return.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


In Writers' Workshop, students linked their closing paragraph to their hook to help them "write in a circle", and finish with a satisfying ending.  We also gave our speeches during Share.  See some snapshots below!

In Readers' Workshop, we finished "Casey at the Bat"! The purpose of reading Casey was to emphasize to students that when readers encounter really complex text with many unknown words and phrases, we can make sense of it using our close reading strategies.  Take a look below at our anchor chart.  Each dot represents how many times we used that strategy while we read "Casey at the Bat".  Ask your child how it ended (A:  He struck out!)!

For Math, students took their Unit 6 Assessment.  I will send these home when students get back from Spring Break.

In Social Studies, we sorted resources into natural, human and capital categories.  We then explained how each of these resources are a part of the production process.  We watched a short informational clip on how chocolate truffles are made (sorry if the kids come home wanting chocolate...).  After, students identified the different types of resources that were used to produce the delicious good.

  • Practice multiplication facts
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Spring Break: Thursday (3/24) - Monday (3/28)
  • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016:  Letters went home with students who had a chaperone request.  Check your child's Beaver Folder regarding whether you will be driving separately or riding the bus.  Email with any questions! 
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Hand sanitzer 
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Tuesday, March 22, 2016

    Casey at the Bat

    In Readers' Workshop this week, students are learning close reading strategies.  Close reading helps readers read and understand complex texts (texts that have many unknown words and/ or unfamiliar text structure and language).  To practice, we're reading "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Thayer (published in 1888).  As we read, we jot down notes in the margin, circle unknown words and replace them with synonyms, reread and read slowly, etc.. We're also acting our portions of the text to help us visualize the plot and story-line.   Students are really eager to find out what happens to the "Mudville Nine" and Casey.  Ask your child what character they're acting out, and what they think will happen next with Casey at bat!

    In Writers' Workshop, students revised their persuasive speeches by adding hooks/ leads that will make their audience want to hear more.  Tomorrow, we will give our speeches.  I have teachers, administrators, and students from throughout the building coming into our classroom so each student can present and deliver their speech to their intended audience.  I'll be sure to show snapshots tomorrow. 

    In Math Workshop, we played Jeopardy to help us review for our Unit 6 Assessment tomorrow. Just a reminder, students' reviews are due tomorrow.  Check yesterday's post if your child is struggling; there are many helpful hints outlined!

    In Social Studies, we started our Unit of Study: Economics for Everyone.  This week students are learning about the production process and natural, capital and human resources.  Today, we took a "virtual field trip" to Hickman Family Farms to help us identify different resources required in the production of eggs on an egg farm. 

    • Persuasive drafts due tomorrow (some students are bringing these home to finish)
    • Unit 6 test review: due Wednesday
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Unit 6 Math Assessment:  Wednesday, March 23
    • Spring Break: Thursday (3/24) - Monday (3/28)
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016:  Letters went home with students who had a chaperone request.  Check your child's Beaver Folder regarding whether you will be driving separately or riding the bus.  Email with any questions! 
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Monday, March 21, 2016

    Unit 6 Test Wednesday

    We will have our Unit 6 Math Assessment this Wednesday.  I apologize for the late notice; however, students will perform better on the assessment before break, rather than coming back from break.  Students are coming home with their review tonight.  It is not due until Wednesday.  

    Below, I've listed some tips to help with the review, if you child is struggling.

    • For questions that say "write 3 names for (a given fraction)": remind them that "names" is a synonym for equivalent fractions.  
      • To find equivalent fractions, we multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number.  We say "if you put 3 shirts on (numerator), put 3 pants on (denominator)."  For whatever reason, this seems to stick with students, and they remember how to find equivalent fractions.  
    • For questions that require them identify fractions on a number line:  Remind them that to identify the denominator, we count the spaces in between two whole numbers.  To identify the numerator, we count the hash marks.
    •  Below, I've taken a picture of our fractions anchor chart.  This may help with other portions of the review.

    • Unit 6 test review: due Wednesday
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Unit 6 Math Assessment:  Wednesday, March 23
    • Spring Break: Thursday (3/24) - Monday (3/28)
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Friday, March 18, 2016

    Book Club Projects!

    The big reveal... Our book club trailer links are below! Check them out!


    Winn Dixie

    Diamond Willow

    Space Brat

    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Thursday, March 17, 2016

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    Tomorrow students get to come to school dressed as their favorite book character!

    In Writers' Workshop, students used examples in their writing that would help "pack an emotional punch".  We jotted "emotion faces" in the margins and revised that area to try to make our audience feel that emotion.  

    Today was the last day to work on book club projects. They are looking great! I will be sure to share them on the blog tomorrow.

    In Math Workshop, we continued our work with proper and improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line.  Students learned to count the spaces in between each hash mark on the number line to identify the denominator (if they get stuck on homework, this will help).   To support with fractions at home, ask your child to identify a real life fraction.  For example, 1/3 of a traffic light is green,  2/7 stuffed animals on my bed are bears, etc..

    To celebrate "Telling Tales Thursday",  we visited our kindergarten buddies in Mrs. Lark's class and read to them.

    Ask your child about what's going on in our read aloud book.  How does the inclusion program change Melody?  Which impacted Melody more: the inclusion program or her Medi-Talker?   Be sure to ask you child to defend their thinking, refer back to the text.

    Reading Week Schedule (March 14-18)
    • Book Character Day:  Dress like your favorite book character!
    • Math homework 
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Wednesday, March 16, 2016


    In Readers' Workshop, students had time to work on their projects.  These should be done by tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to share them on tomorrow or Friday's blog post.  Here are some snapshots from today.

    Reading Week Schedule (March 14-18)
    • Telling Tales Thursday/ St. Patrick's Day: Read with our kindergarten buddies and wear green.
    • Book Character Day:  Dress like your favorite book character!
    • Math homework 
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Tuesday, March 15, 2016

    Wear Your Words Wednesday

    In Writers' Workshop, students considered audience to help them order their sections in a way that makes sense.

    In Readers' Workshop, students practiced linking their evidence back to their claim (reasoning).  Students also had time to work on their book club projects.

    In Math Workshop, students used equal groups to show fractions of a set. 

    Pictures from "Twilight Tuesday" below!

    Reading Week Schedule (March 14-18)
    • Wear Your Words Wednesday:  Wear a shirt with words.
    • Telling Tales Thursday/ St. Patrick's Day: Read with our kindergarten buddies and wear green.
    • Book Character Day:  Dress like your favorite book character!
    • Math homework 
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Monday, March 14, 2016


    Be sure to bring a flashlight tomorrow for "Twilight Tuesday"!

    Throughout the day, students have the opportunity to play math games on the iPad or Kindle Fire.  A very popular game is "Times Ninja Adventure";  this one works to increase multiplication fluency.   It's available to download on tablets and desktops.

    Reading Week Schedule (March 14-18)
    • Twilight Tuesday: Bring in a flashlight to read with!
    • Wear Your Words Wednesday:  Wear a shirt with words.
    • Telling Tales Thursday/ St. Patrick's Day: Read with our kindergarten buddies and wear green.
    • Book Character Day:  Dress like your favorite book character!
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill

    Friday, March 11, 2016

    Hero or Criminal?

    In Readers' Workshop, we finished Encounter.  The book ended with the illustration below.  Ask your child why the author and illustrator made his legs fading (A:  He represents the Native American culture/ Columbus "stole" their culture--  these were ideas students brought up in class).  Students also had the opportunity to begin work on their book club projects.  Ask your child what they're doing for their project.

    In Writers' Workshop, students answered the question: Christopher Columbus: Hero or Criminal?  They included evidence and reasoning in their writing to prove their thinking.  They then created portraits of Columbus based on the point of view they most identified with.

    We're a little more than halfway through our Read Aloud book, Out of My Mind, and students are eager to read and talk more.  Here are some questions to consider/ discuss:  Is Rose mostly a "flower" or  "thorns"?  What did Melody learn about friendship at the aquarium? How does the Medi-Talker change Melody's life?

    In Math Workshop, students drew fraction models to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators but same values (equivalent fractions).  Ask your child to name an equivalent fraction for 1/2.

    In Science, we compared and analyzed data from our bridge designs.

    Reading Week Schedule (March 14-18)

    • Mellow Monday: Wear your pajamas and cozy up with a good book.
    • Twilight Tuesday: Bring in a flashlight to read with!
    • Wear Your Words Wednesday:  Wear a shirt with words.
    • Telling Tales Thursday/ St. Patrick's Day: Read with our kindergarten buddies and wear green.
    • Book Character Day:  Dress like your favorite book character!
    • Practice multiplication facts
    • Read 20 minutes 
    • Herr's Field Trip:  March 30, 2016
      • Please return permission slip ASAP.
    • Picture Day: Thursday, March 31
    Classroom Supplies:  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to families who continue to keep our classroom stocked with supplies so we can focus on learning.  Your generosity is so appreciated.  Thank you!
    • Dry erase markers
    Kidblog Link:  

    Thank you,

    Mrs. O'Neill