Thursday, December 10, 2015

Early Dismissal Tomorrow

In Writers' Workshop, students wrote explanations of the evidence they identified yesterday; they're working to explain how their evidence proves their claim.

In Readers' Workshop, students considered what characters learn in order to help them grow ideas about theme.

In Read Aloud, students identified unknown words like wearily and "leaned in", used their mental movies, to identify possible synonyms.  Ask your child what wearily means or looks like; remind them the campers wearily stared at Stanley. 

In Word Study, some students began playing purposeful games focusing on their letter pattern or letter relationship that they're working on. Others looked for their patterns in books and applied the word study lesson they're working on to add suffixes to root words.

In Math Workshop, students got to play 30 minutes of First In Math because they pulled a "class ticket" during last week's raffle.  They also explored pictographs and created line plots based on data we collected of our class.

In Science, students studied familiar objects we see everyday.  They explored and identified what they all had in common; they all were created as solutions to problems.  Students learned that any object that was created as a solution to a problem is considered technology.  Furthermore, engineers design and create these solutions.  Ask your child to identify a basic object that we consider technology; have them justify their thinking based on definitions.

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Tomorrow
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment:  We will have our Unit 3 Math Assessment next week; most likely Thursday or Friday.  As always, we'll spend time in class reviewing, and I will send home a review for homework.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  A big thank you to families who've already donated packs of sticky notes to our class!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

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