Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Today we spent time researching for our Big Ten projects. We also did a little addition and multiplication, as well as read aloud. 

Here's a snapshot from our little celebration. 

  • Please encourage your child to read over break! They can go on KidBlog and blog about what they're reading!
  • Math Unit 3 Assessment: Please sign and return at your earliest convenience.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes
Kidblog Link:  

I want to sincerely thank all kids and families for the holiday gifts. Every day I am reminded of how lucky I am to work with, teach, and watch your children grow.  What a privilege.  Wishing you and your families a very safe and joyful holiday and new year.

Happy Holidays, 

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, December 21, 2015

Unit 3 Graded

The kids are coming home with their Unit 3 Math Assessment grades today.  Please review, sign and return at your earliest convenience. 

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Math Unit 3 Assessment: Please sign and return at your earliest convenience.
  • School-wide EAGER prize: PJ Day, Wednesday, December 23
  • Winter Celebration: Wednesday, December 23
  • 1:30 Dismissal: Wednesday, December 23
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, December 18, 2015

Winter Celebration

In Writers' Workshop, students sketched project proposal plans for their Big Ten university reading and writing project.  We took into consideration the most helpful and effective text features that will make our writing clear and persuasive to RES students.

In Readers' Workshop, students researched average temperature charts for the college cities.  We used these charts to collect information and compare data.  Students then calculated the average seasonal temperatures by adding the average high and low temperatures, then dividing by 2. We used Excel and PowerPoint to graph our seasonal averages. Here's a sample of what students' graphs look like.

In Math, students took their Unit 3 Assessment.  I'll try to have these graded and sent home by Wednesday of next week.

In Science, students explored push and pull forces as they apply to bridges. 

Winter Celebration: At the bottom of this post, you'll see the notification that went home with students regarding our celebration. 

  • Read 20 minutes 
  • School-wide EAGER prize: PJ Day, Wednesday, December 23
  • Winter Celebration: Wednesday, December 23
  • 1:30 Dismissal: Wednesday, December 23
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

----------------------- 18, 2015

Parents and Guardians,

To celebrate the winter season, room 11 will be having a small celebration on Wednesday, December 23.  As we will be engaging in an author study of Chris Van Allsburg next week, on Wednesday we will watch the animated rendition of his book, The Polar Express (G). In addition, students may bring in their own special snack and drink to have during the video.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Mrs.  O’Neill

Thursday, December 17, 2015


In Writers' Workshop, we explored text features in "Time For Kids" and their respective purposes.  When we create our projects, we'll want to use some of these text features to help Riverside students read and understand our writing about our universities.

In Readers' Workshop, we used text features to help us understand as we used the internet to research and read about our universities.  In addition, we created our first text feature for our project, a map.  We used Google Maps to route and calculate drive time from Riverside to our Big Ten college.  We also used the "snipping tool" in Windows to take a screenshot of the map and route.  We'll include this map in our project.

In Math Workshop, we played Jeopardy to review for our Unit 3 Assessment tomorrow.

In Science, we used Javier Builds A Bridge to identify meanings of Tier III words (domain-specific words such as abutment, pier, arch bridge, etc.).

  • Unit 3 Test Review (only do stars), due tomorrow
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment: Tomorrow
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Big Ten Reading & Writing

Today we began our Big 10 Reading and Writing Project. This project will take us up until Holiday Break.  In an effort to create a College-Going Culture in room 11, students will be researching their universities in Readers' Workshop and writing opinion pieces in Writers' Workshop.  Our goal is convince other Riverside students to aspire to attend our Big Ten University.  We'll research information like the top majors at our university, our university's location , weather, campus, etc. During this project, students will learn effective opinion writing elements as well as informational reading strategies, all aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

  • Unit 3 Test Review (only do stars), due Friday
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment: Friday, December 18.
    • If you're planning on leaving for out of town early, please let me know so I can have your child take the assessment before break.  Thank you to families who've already given me notice! 
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment: Friday, December 18.
    • If you're planning on leaving for out of town early, please let me know so I can have your child take the assessment before break.  Thank you to families who've already given me notice! 
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, December 14, 2015

Math Test Friday

In Readers' Workshop, students learned another strategy to help them identify themes in texts.  Specifically, readers can consider what a character might do differently to help them identify possible life lessons.  Encourage your child to think about theme while they're reading at home, using strategies we use at school.

In Writers' Workshop, we looked at Should There Be Zoos?, a collection of opinion essays written by fourth graders.  We noticed how the authors in the book ended their essays in a strong sentence, leaving the reader convinced.  We practiced writing strong, concluding sentences in our literary essay on The One and Only Ivan.  Students then applied this to their own literary essays during independent practice.

In Read Aloud, we payed attention to the breaks, or gaps, in writing.  We know that sometimes authors use these gaps to tell a story from a long time ago, like with Elya Yelnats in Holes.  We practiced identifying when we're in the present and back in time as we read.

In Word Study, different groups of students are working on different letter-relationships based on their pre-assessments.  Ask your child about the rule they're working on.  Have them give you some examples.

In Math Workshop, students used rulers and other mathematical tools to convert measurements to different units.

In Science, students began reading Javier's Bridge.  They're reading this text to learn about different types of bridges, and think through the Engineering Design Process as told in a story.

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment: Friday, December 18.
    • If you're planning on leaving for out of town early, please let me know so I can have your child take the assessment before break.  Thank you to families who've already given me notice! 
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, December 11, 2015

Kid Blog

If you haven't taken a look at your child's blog yet, I encourage you to do so! Today, the kids applied what we're learning in Writers' and Readers' Workshops, Read Aloud, and used informational media to create a strong post.  Specifically, we're trying to effectively respond to text and video by writing a clear claim, providing supportive evidence, and using reason to explain how our evidence supports our opinion, our claim. Take a look, if you get a chance!  Click here to visit our blogs.

  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment:  We will have our Unit 3 Math Assessment next week; most likely Thursday or Friday.  As always, we'll spend time in class reviewing, and I will send home a review for homework.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:   We're still in need of sticky notes! Any donations are appreciated! Thank you so much to families who've already donated! 
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Early Dismissal Tomorrow

In Writers' Workshop, students wrote explanations of the evidence they identified yesterday; they're working to explain how their evidence proves their claim.

In Readers' Workshop, students considered what characters learn in order to help them grow ideas about theme.

In Read Aloud, students identified unknown words like wearily and "leaned in", used their mental movies, to identify possible synonyms.  Ask your child what wearily means or looks like; remind them the campers wearily stared at Stanley. 

In Word Study, some students began playing purposeful games focusing on their letter pattern or letter relationship that they're working on. Others looked for their patterns in books and applied the word study lesson they're working on to add suffixes to root words.

In Math Workshop, students got to play 30 minutes of First In Math because they pulled a "class ticket" during last week's raffle.  They also explored pictographs and created line plots based on data we collected of our class.

In Science, students studied familiar objects we see everyday.  They explored and identified what they all had in common; they all were created as solutions to problems.  Students learned that any object that was created as a solution to a problem is considered technology.  Furthermore, engineers design and create these solutions.  Ask your child to identify a basic object that we consider technology; have them justify their thinking based on definitions.

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Tomorrow
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment:  We will have our Unit 3 Math Assessment next week; most likely Thursday or Friday.  As always, we'll spend time in class reviewing, and I will send home a review for homework.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  A big thank you to families who've already donated packs of sticky notes to our class!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 3 Math Assessment Coming Up

In Writers' Workshop, students sorted through text to find the most effective evidence that supports the claim, "In Katherine Applegate's book The One and Only Ivan, readers learn that relationships change us."  See how we use the author and title to write strong claims and "citing starters" to introduce our evidence.

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, December 11
  • Unit 3 Math Assessment:  We will have our Unit 3 Math Assessment next week; most likely Thursday or Friday.  As always, we'll spend time in class reviewing, and I will send home a review for homework.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  A big thank you to families who've already donated packs of sticky notes to our class!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Mobile Science Lab!

In Readers' Workshop, students are learning close reading strategies to help them grow ideas about them.  By the end of the week, kids will use the chart below to help them identify possible themes.  Today students started identifying conflict, something the character struggles with throughout the book.

In Writers' Workshop, students are learning to write about their reading; using claim, evidence, and reasoning to support their thinking.

In Math Workshop, students are working on aspects of measurement, perimeter and area.

For Science, the Maryland Ag in the Classroom team was here.  We "visited" the mobile science lab in our school's parking lot.  Ask your child about it!

  • Math homework
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, December 11
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  A big thank you to families who've already donated packs of sticky notes to our class!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, December 7, 2015

  • Math homework, double-sided
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Early Dismissal: Friday, December 11
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  A big thank you to families who've already donated packs of sticky notes to our class!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, December 4, 2015

Wednesday's Homework

Hi All,  

I wanted to check bases with everyone regarding homework Wednesday.  Homework was sent home on Wednesday that was confusing for many kids.  I was out Tuesday and Wednesday (I was quite sick with a virus), and my guest teacher wanted to send work home to keep routines in place.  If your child didn't understand or struggled with Wednesday's homework, it's because they haven't learned that content yet.  Sorry for the confusion.  Thank you for your understanding.

Today in Math Workshop, students used arrays to quickly calculate area.  I was unable to get pictures up yesterday from our perimeter and area work because it was at the end of the day.  So below you'll see some snapshots from yesterday during math.  

In Readers' Workshop, students presented their book club projects.

In Writers' Workshop, students learned how to write a strong, clear claim.  We practiced doing this on our blogs.

In Science, students created posters to represent the steps we will be using in the Engineering Design Process. 


  • Read 20 minutes 
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  We are very low on sticky notes. We use these every day in every subject area.  Any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Ivan's REAL Domain

In Readers' Workshop, students are finishing up their book club projects.  We're aiming to present them to each other tomorrow.

In Writers' Workshop, students read others' persuasive writing, noting which pieces were more convincing and why.  Students identified three critical components when writing about our reading: claim, evidence, reasoning/ explanation.

During our usual Read Aloud time, students worked in groups to learn about the real Ivan from Zoo Atlanta's website. We started to consider human and wild animal relationships; how they positively and negatively affect each other.

In Math Workshop, we went outside to map out Ivan's real domain.  We found the perimeter and area given dimensions we discovered about the real Ivan's cage.  Students were first given rulers to measure out Ivan's domain; however, they quickly discovered that rulers were too small.  They discovered that 3 feet are equal to 1 yard, and decided yard sticks would be a more efficient tool.

In Science, students further explored the Engineering Design Process.

  • First in Math for 20 minutes, if possible
  • Read 20 minutes 
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes:  We are very low on sticky notes. We use these every day in every subject area.  Any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Kidblog Link:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill