Monday, September 21, 2015

Seed vs. Watermelon

In Writers' Workshop, students collaborated with peers, using technology to learn about seed vs. watermelon ideas for our personal narratives (see below).  Ask you child the difference between a seed and watermelon idea (A: seed = small moment, small amount of time; like when I learned how to shoot a basketball.  Watermelon = long period of time; like a vacation).

In Readers' Workshop, students learned that reading is a lot like watching a movie; we have emotional responses to what we read, i.e. we laugh, cry, question, etc.  Today we used sticky notes to jot down predictions while we read as a way to respond to our reading (see below).  Feel free to encourage your child to jot down predictions while they read at home!

In Math Workshop, we used regrouping to solve real world problems involving money.

In Social Studies, we used our schema to define and explain effective rules.

  • Read 20 minutes 
  • World's Finest Chocolate (PTA): There are still plenty of boxes of World's Finest Chocolates left.  Please sign out a box and help your PTA earn money for your school.  Each box contains 60 items ($60). Money will be due 2 weeks after you check out candy.  Sign out sheets are available in the lobby on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings between 8:30-9:00 AM, or you can see Donna or Cara in the office for a box.  Main Office: 410-612-1560
Classroom Supplies:

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

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