Friday, February 26, 2016

Dr. Seuss!

This morning, we worked together to decorate our door for the school-wide Dr. Seuss contest.   Ask your child what part they worked on!

Below are snapshots from yesterday during Science.  Students created their bridges based on their designs/ plans. Today students tested.  Thank you to all families who have brought in toy cars-- this is part of testing the stability and strength of our bridges.  We will continue to test and improve our bridges next week so we will still be using the cars.  They will be returned in a few weeks.

  • Math homework
    • Update:  In our "scoreboard game" students voted to now play for homework problems rather than recess minutes.  This means some days your child will come home with 0-3 homework problems crossed out or 0-3 homework problems added.  
  • Multiplication Facts: 20 minutes
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


In Readers' Workshop, students compared different ideas and characteristics using the matrix.  We will use this matrix to draw conclusions about text, make claims, and write about our reading.  Try comparing different people, things, ideas, texts, characters at home with your child!  See below for some examples.

In Writers' Workshop, students considered their audience's worries, feelings, concerns, etc. and addressed them in their persuasive speeches.

In Math Workshop, students used geo-boards to practice creating different polygons and lines. 

In Science, students created their bridge designs.  We will text tomorrow.

  • Math homework
    • Update:  In our "scoreboard game" students voted to now play for homework problems rather than recess minutes.  This means some days your child will come home with 1-3 homework problems crossed out or 1-3 homework problems added.  
  • Multiplication Facts: 20 minutes
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Friday
  • Jump Rope for Heart:  Fridays
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Everyone Should Appreciate...

In Readers' Workshop, students used the comparison matrix to practice comparing items and characteristics.  This matrix will help students compare and draw conclusions about text.

In Writers' Workshop, students thought of people, places, or things that they believe should get more recognition and appreciation.  They practiced writing claims, reasons and examples to persuade their readers.  Ask your child who they wrote about and why.  Have them make a strong claim (Everyone should appreciate ___________).  Encourage them to think of a reason and give examples/ stories/ details about that reason.  Push them to think of a second reason and examples.  Talking with your child about what they're writing helps develop ideas.  If students can say it, they can write it.

In Math Workshop, students studied characteristics of polygons and lines.  They identified right angles and their measure.

Ask your child about our new read aloud book, Out of My Mind. Ask them about Melody's "tornado explosions".  Have them describe why Melody has these explosions, what frustrates her.

  • Math homework
  • Multiplication Facts: 20 minutes
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Friday
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, February 22, 2016

Math Test Friday

  • Math homework
  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Science:  If you have "Hot Wheels"type cars that roll back and then propel forward and wouldn't mind sending them in with your child, we'd really appreciate it.  We'll use them to test our bridges.  They will be returned!
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Friday
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jump Rope For Heart!

Today was "Jump Rope For Heart"!  I tried to snap some photos, but the kids were jumping a little too fast for my iPhone to capture... Here's what I could get..

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
    • Please note that I'm not giving as much math homework in the form of worksheets because the expectation is that students are studying/ memorizing their multiplication facts.
  • Opinion essay published (only students who haven't already finished in class)
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Science:  If you have "Hot Wheels"type cars that roll back and then propel forward and wouldn't mind sending them in with your child, we'd really appreciate it.  We'll use them to test our bridges.  They will be returned!
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Next week
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
  • x4 Multiplication Quiz: Tomorrow
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, February 18, 2016

x4 Quiz Tomorrow

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
    • Please note that I'm not giving as much math homework in the form of worksheets because the expectation is that students are studying/ memorizing their multiplication facts.
  • Opinion essay published (only students who haven't already finished in class)
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Science:  If you have "Hot Wheels"type cars that roll back and then propel forward and wouldn't mind sending them in with your child, we'd really appreciate it.  We'll use them to test our bridges.  They will be returned!
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Next week
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
  • x4 Multiplication Quiz: Tomorrow
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hot Wheels Cars

In Writers' Workshop, students wrote a persuasive speech with a goal of getting more graphic novels in our school library.  We focused on choosing reasons that will convince our audience rather than reasons we believe we should have more graphic novels.  Mrs. Hanus even came in to hear us out.  Ask your students about what reasons we used to try to convince Mrs. Hanus.

In Readers' Workshop, students were given time to catch up on their book club books.  With all the snow days, we needed a catch up day...  Please make sure your child is reading and completing book club assignments.  This counts towards their homework grade.

In Read Aloud, we started a new book Out of My Mind, by Sharon M. Draper. Here's the book trailer, if you want to check it out!  Out of My Mind Book Trailer

In Math Workshop, students practiced finding area for irregular polygons.  They also noticed and applied patterns they saw in "In/ Out Charts" to complete the chart.

In Science, students considered criteria, constraints and forces to draw four different bridge designs.  They will eventually consolidate their design with a partner and create a bridge.  Hopefully the kids will be able to create and test their bridges by Friday.  If you have "Hot Wheels"type cars that roll back and then propel forward and wouldn't mind sending them in with your child, we'd really appreciate it.  We'll use them to test our bridges.  They will be returned!

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
    • Please note that I'm not giving as much math homework in the form of worksheets because the expectation is that students are studying/ memorizing their multiplication facts.
  • Opinion essay published (only students who haven't already finished in class)
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Science:  If you have "Hot Wheels"type cars that roll back and then propel forward and wouldn't mind sending them in with your child, we'd really appreciate it.  We'll use them to test our bridges.  They will be returned!
  • Unit 5 Math Assessment: Next week
  • Report card envelopes:  Please return at your earliest convenience
  • x4 Multiplication Quiz: Friday, February 19.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day

Third grade will not be celebrating Valentine's Day with a party; however, if your child wants to bring in valentines for everyone in the class, they are encouraged to do so.  Please keep in mind we have 18 students.  Our class list is below.  Students also have a pink sheet in their Beaver Folders with our class list. 


  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
  • Opinion essay drafts (only students who haven't already finished in class)
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Report cards go home with students tomorrow
  • Early Dismissal: tomorrow
  • No school: Monday, February 15
  • x4 Multiplication Quiz: Friday, February 19.
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, February 8, 2016

Math Vocabulary

In Readers' Workshop, students read two different points of view on the same topic (SeaWorld).  They're considering text structure to help identify the different authors' points of view and recording their thinking on their comparing matrix.  Eventually we want students to be able to make claims about conflicting points of view.

In Writers' Workshop, students used editing symbols to reread their drafts and edit. If your child hasn't finished their opinion essay draft, they're bringing this home to complete for homework.

In Math Workshop, students studied characteristics of figures and lines.  They identified similar characteristics to help them explain the meaning of intersect.  This unit (Geometry) has a ton of vocabulary.  To help at home, frequently ask them what the following words mean:
  • polygon: an enclosed figure with at least 3 straight lines
  • quadrilateral: a four-sided polygon
  • parallel: we say "parallel means they will never cross" with arm movements
  • intersect: a point where 2 lines meet
  • trapezoid: a quadrilateral with only 1 set of parallel lines
  • parallelogram: a quadrilateral with 2 sets of parallel lines
You can also encourage your child to practice using this FREE online: Quadrilateral Shape Game

In case you didn't hear yet, we finished Holes.  Students can now watch the movie at home, if desired (I know many already did over the weekend :) ).

In Science, with partners, students are imagining and planning their bridges in their science notebooks.  They must consider limited resources, costs and other constraints and criteria. 

  • Math homework
  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
  • Opinion essay drafts (only students who haven't already finished in class)
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Book Fair Night: Tomorrow
  • Report cards go home with students this Friday
  • Early Dismissal: Friday
  • No school: Monday, February 15
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Friday, February 5, 2016

Multiplication Facts

Please continue to encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts at home.  Students need to be automatic with their facts.  Thank you for your continued support!

Here's a few fun links and games that work towards fact fluency:
  • Math Man Multiplication
  • Monkey Driving
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors, Math!:  Play regular Rock, Paper, Scissors but instead of saying "shoot!", say "math!".  Each player holds down a random number of fingers (products).  Multiply both players' fingers together.  Whoever says that correct product first, wins.  

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Recess:
    • Boots:  Students who bring boots are allowed to go in the field.  It's not necessary that your child brings boots as students can still play on the basketball court. 
    • If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Riverside students wore their superhero gear to celebrate filling our EAGER tube.
In Readers' Workshop, students are considering informational text structures to help them adjust their expectations and make sense of text.  We're using the matrix to record structures, main ideas, and evidence (see below).

In Writers' Workshop, students wrote "twin paragraphs" to summarize and conclude their opinion essays.  After drafting, they'll edit, revise, and publish what they've been working on.

In Read Aloud, we're in the last few chapters of Holes. Yesterday we came to a "contrast or contradiction" in our reading.  We noticed that the yellow-spotted lizards weren't biting Zero and Stanley (when usually they would).  Ask your child their theory, why aren't the lizards biting?  Have them use evidence from the text to support their thinking.

In Math Workshop, students are working in partners to break apart irregular polygons into quadrilaterals in order to solve for area.  Students' x3 and x10 quiz is tomorrow.

In Science, students used data from our bridge investigation to respond to the following question: How does the structure of a bridge affect its strength and how can we use different materials in our bridge designs?

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-3, 5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Book Fair: Students are allowed to purchase books in the morning if they forgot money today.
  • Multiplication Quiz: x3 and x10 this tomorrow
  • Recess:
    • Boots:  Students who bring boots are allowed to go in the field.  It's not necessary that your child brings boots as students can still play on the basketball court. 
    • If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

In Math Workshop, students identified parallel lines and used addition and subtraction to find missing side measurements.  Then, students broke apart irregular polygons into quadrilaterals to solve for area and perimeter.

  • Math homework
  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-2, 3, 5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Book Fair: Students are allowed to purchase books in the morning if they forgot money today.
  • Unit 4 Assessment due back Friday, February 5. 
  • Multiplication Quiz: x3 and x10 this Friday.
  • Recess:
    • Boots:  Students who bring boots are allowed to go in the field.  It's not necessary that your child brings boots as students can still play on the basketball court. 
    • If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


In Readers' Workshop, students read an article on baby sea turtles.  They noticed that the text was mostly explaining the life cycle of a baby sea turtle.  We used this text to help us explain the chronological and order text structure.  Students are considering text structure when developing insights about main ideas and author perspective.  

In Writers' Workshop, students used "reasoning starters" to help them begin explaining how their evidence supports their claim.  Students then worked independently or in pairs to apply our mini lesson and write their body paragraphs.  Most students are either arguing their opinion about their favorite holiday or video game.

In Math Workshop, students explored and defined characteristics of quadrilaterals; polygons with four sides.  Students' Unit 4 Assessment is coming home today.  Please review, sign and return by Friday.

In Word Study, some students worked in their letter-pattern group while others explored our read aloud, Holes.  They found unknown words, determined their meaning using context clues and comprehension strategies, and then created a Frayer Model to explain and define their unknown word. 

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-2, 3, 5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Unit 4 Assessment due back Friday, February 5. 
  • Multiplication Quiz: x3 and x10 this Friday.
  • Recess:
    • Boots:  Students who bring boots are allowed to go in the field.  It's not necessary that your child brings boots as students can still play on the basketball court. 
    • If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill

Monday, February 1, 2016

Welcome Back!

If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!

In Readers' Workshop, students are considering informational text structures to develop insights about point of view and main ideas.

In Writers' Workshop, students used evidence sentence starters to introduce supportive examples/ evidence in their opinion essays.

In Word Study, for the next few weeks, students will be working on the following spelling patterns based on a re-assessment they took before "Snowcation".  The groups are as follows: blends, long vowels, other long vowels, inflected endings, unaccented final syllables, and harder suffixes. All groups will have started by the end of the week.

In Math Workshop, we started our Geometry Unit of Study.  I have graded Unit 4 Assessments and results will come home tomorrow. 

In Science, students finished a pre-assessment for the district. This is not graded, just a baseline assessing students ability to respond to scientific questions in writing. 

  • Multiplication Facts: Practice 0-2, 3, 5, 10 
  • Read 20 minutes 
  • Multiplication Quiz: x3 and x10 this Friday.
    • Again I'd like to reiterate that students are encouraged to retake any of the multiplication quizzes, if they were not pleased with their score. Students have the opportunity to retake quizzes every morning.
  • Recess: If the temperature is above 32F, we will try to go outside.  Please continue to send students to school with cold weather wear (winter coats, mittens, hats, etc.).  I will only take students out if our whole class is appropriately dressed.  We don't want anyone getting sick :).  Thank you for your support!
Classroom Supplies:
  • Sticky Notes: Very low
Kidblog Link:  

Thank you,

Mrs. O'Neill